The Database of Dutch Dialect Idioms was developed as part of the project The Syntax of Idioms, carried out in collaboration between researchers from Utrecht University in the Netherlands (Institute for Language Sciences) and KU Leuven in Belgium (CRISSP). The main goal of the project was to investigate both the internal syntactic structure of idioms and their external syntax, i.e. how they interact with the surrounding syntactic environment.
UU LanguageLink comprises a number of linguistic databases and resources.
Database of Dutch Dialect Idioms
The following databases require further maintenance before they can be made available again:
Berlin-Utrecht Reciprocals Survey (BURS)
The Berlin-Utrecht Reciprocals Survey is the database server for the project A typology of reciprocal markers: Analysis and documentation, a collaboration between the Institute for Language Sciences (ILS, Utrecht University) and the Free University of Berlin. The project has collected information on the syntactic and semantic properties of reciprocal constructions.
Typological Database System (TDS)
The Typological Database System (TDS) provides an online interface to multiple independently developed typological databases, allowing unified queries supported by an integrated ontology. The project has been carried out by a research group of the Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics (LOT), with members representing the Universities of Amsterdam, Leiden, Nijmegen and Utrecht. The TDS project was funded by the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO) and by the participating Universities.
Anaphora Typology database
The Anaphora Typology database of the Institute for Language Sciences (ILS, Utrecht University). The Anaphora Typology project is surveying the binding properties of reflexives and reciprocals, which we refer to as local coreference strategies, or just strategies for short. This database is focused on reflexives, although some information is also provided on pronouns and reciprocals. The database is currently under construction, and only presents preliminary data from a few languages. The Anaphora Typology database is part of the project The syntactic encoding of anaphoric relations, a Utrecht University research project.
Topic-focus database
The Topic-focus database is part of the project The typology of focus and topic: A new approach to the discourse-syntax interface, carried out at the University of Amsterdam.
Linguistics Online (LiOn)
Linguistics Online (LiOn) is a collection of on-line exercises and other instructional materials for beginning linguistics students.